National Workshop on Clinical Management of Thalassemia



Thalassemia is a very common hereditary blood disorder. It is caused by defects in the beta-globin gene resulting in a qualitative and quantitative defect in hemoglobin production. The affected patients suffer from severe anemia.

The management of Thalassemia involves regular blood transfusion, iron chelation, and management of its complications. The treatment is tailored according to clinical severity and following a multidisciplinary approach.

Bangladesh is one of the highly thalassemia affected countries with 7% of the population being thalassemia trait. It is estimated that 7,000 babies are born with thalassemia every year and the total number of patients is 60,000.

Though quite common, the management practice of thalassemia in Bangladesh did not evolve as expected. The treatment widely varies between specialists, hospitals, and parts of the county due to resource limitation, lack of knowledge and a standard practice guideline.

The workshop aims to provide an essential overview on the application of the standard guideline in the management of thalassemia in a resource-constrained setting.

Venue Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons Auditorium, Mohakhali, Dhaka

Date November 11, 2018

Time 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Registration Fee 500tk(Lunch and snacks will be provided at the venue)

Payment option bKash number- 01729284257 & cash

Chief Guest: Md. Nasim, MP, Honorable Minister Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Program Schedule

International Guidelines

Guidelines for the Management of Transfusion Dependent Thalassaemia (3rd Edition)

Guidelines for the Management of Non-Transfusion Dependent Thalassaemias (2nd edition)

Powerpoint slide download

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Click here to download all slides.

Time Topics Speakers
08:00 AM Registration and reception, Welcome tea/coffee and snacks
08:30 AM Pathophysiology and classification of thalassemia Prof. Dr. Manzur Morshed
Consultant – Clinical Hematology,
Asgar Ali Hospital
08:50 AM Diagnosis of thalassemia Dr. Akhil Ranjan Biswas
Associate Professor, Bone Marrow Transplantation
Department of Hematology, Dhaka Medical College
09:10 AM Overview of the management of thalassemia Prof. Dr. Manzur Morshed
Consultant – Clinical Hematology,
Asgar Ali Hospital
09:30 AM Question/Answer and Panel Discussion (Session 1)
10:00 AM Tea break
10:30 AM Blood transfusion, Initiation and optimization Dr. Jannatul Ferdous
Associate Professor
Department of Transfusion Medicine, Mugda Medical College
10:50 AM Iron overload and chelation Dr. Prosanto Chowdhury
Consultant Haemoglobinopathy & Thalassemias,
The Institute of Child Health, Kolkata
11:10 AM Recent advances in treatment and cure Do
11:30 AM Question/Answer and Panel Discussion (Session 2)
12:00 PM Inaugural program
01:30 PM Lunch break
11:30 AM Question/Answer and Panel Discussion (Session 2)
12:00 PM Inaugural program
01:30 PM Lunch break
02:30 PM Pregnancy, Fertility and Prenatal Diagnosis Prof. Dr. Feroza Begum
Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
02:40 PM Cardiac complications Dr. Saqif Shahriar
Interventional Cardiologist
National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD)
02:50 PM Hepatic complications Prof. Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman
Professor and Head, Gastroenterology Department
SSMC & Mitford Hospital, Dhaka
03:00 PM Question/Answer and Panel Discussion (Session 3)
03:15 PM Endocrine complication and osteoporosis Dr. Tahniyah Haq
Assistant Professor
Department of Endocrinology
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
03:25 PM BMT and Thalassemia Dr. Salahuddin Shah
Associate Professor
Department of Hematology
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
03:35 PM Prevention of Thalassemia Dr. Tasneem Ara
Associate Professor
Department of Hematology Dhaka Medical College
03:45 PM Question/Answer and Panel Discussion (Session 4)
04:00 PM Workshop session
(Tea and snacks will be served during the discussion)
Diagnosis – Electrophoresis
Transfusion – Case
Chelation – Case
Complication – Case
05:00 PM End

Workshop Secretariat

Thalassemia Foundation Hospital
30 Chamelibagh, Shantinagar
Dhaka – 1217, Bangladesh
Phone: +8801755587479, +88028332481, +880248316116, +88028318177, +88029334862


Organized by

  • Bangladesh Thalassemia Foundation
  • Non-communicable Disease Control Program Directorate of Health Services

Endorsed by

  • Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Society of Bangladesh (PHOSB)
  • Bangladesh Society of Medicine (BSM)
  • Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Bangladesh (OGSB)
  • Feto-Maternal Medicine Society of Bangladesh
  • Blood Transfusion Society of Bangladesh (BTSB)

Supported by

  • Bangladesh Thalassemia Samity Hospital
  • Lab One Foundation of Thalassemia (LOFT)
  • Medicine Club
  • Sandhani
  • iDeshi
  • Platform
  • Youth Club of Bangladesh

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